We made a map as well! Click the "fullscreen" button on the top right of the map to see a larger map with the lawyer names listed by state:
Lawyer /
Law Firm |
City, State /
Practice States |
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Rating (1-5 Stars) |
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Lisa Porter Lang /
JP Law |
Lake Oswego, OR /
Oregon N. California Washinton |
"Lisa is great and has helped me on two cases! Her website is what drew me in as I felt a lot of empathy and patient empowerment emphasized. She is very kind as well! And was affirming gender wise regarding my medical files and name and gender change."
(2016-2023) |
Simon Knaphus /
Safety Net Legal Services of Seattle |
Seattle, WA /
Washington California (?) |
(206) 452-0667
**** |
"Simon is a trans lawyer! It was a huge relief to work with a fellow trans person and never worry about educating him on my gender or transness in general. Also, although I won my case, for some complicated reason SSA still has not paid Simon and he continues to work with me."
(2020-2022) |
Sarah Baek and Brooke Taylor /
Urban Justice Center's Mental Health Project |
New York, NY /
New York |
[email protected]
***** |
"Social workers not lawyers. Through the Mental Health Project but they helped me even though I was also applying for physical chronic illnesses. Queer/trans staff members. Got approved on my first try. Had to wait about 9 months on wait list before getting assistance. They use the "SOAR" method which has a higher first try approval rating (see the How To Get On blog for more info). Would definitely recommend to anyone I'm NYC!"
(2021-2023) |
SOAR Works
All 50 States & D.C.
“SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and is a national program designed to increase access to the disability income benefit programs administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA) for eligible adults and children who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness and have a serious mental illness, medical impairment, and/or a co-occurring substance use disorder. SOAR is implemented on the state and local level in all 50 states and Washington, DC.” (From the website)
ASSIST (Assertive SSI Service Team)
Washington County, Oregon
***** |
"ASSIST is “non-attorney representation”- they file initial claims and have a very high success rate in helping people win quickly. I did not touch any paperwork and I won my case in 5 months. They are professionals who understand the inner workings of social security and know how to bend the rules without breaking them in order to help people. The person who managed my case no longer works there, so I can’t speak to any of the current staff. That said I felt respected by everyone in the office, for being visibly queer and using my pronouns (they/them), as well as for struggling a lot with basic things at that time, like wearing clean clothes. I was denied the first time I applied, but I contacted them again after my health had worsened and they took me on the second time. Some factors that worked in my favor: I met the HUD definition of homelessness, I had extensive documentation from hospitals and outpatient programs, I had healthcare providers who were easily reachable. ASSIST takes the lawyers fee (I forget what that % was but I was happy they got paid for their work honestly). There is another organization in the Portland area, called BEST, which does non-attorney representation but was not charging the lawyer’s fee at the time."
(2018) |
BEST (Benefits Entitlement Service Team) through Central City Concern
Portland, OR /
Oregon Washington (?) |
"I have not worked with BEST but I wanted to add their info if you don’t have it. They do non-attorney representation. They are stringent- I was denied once but was planning to reapply as my situation had worsened and I had better documentation."
Jeff A. Harrison, The Harrison Law Group
El Segundo, CA /
California |
Evans Disability
(Evans & Evans) |
Portland, OR /
Oregon Washington |
"I did all of the legwork and brought my case from Olympia from the law firm Maddox-Lafoon, when I fled from an unfortunate circumstance to Portland, and they worked diligently with me. DURING a pandemic. And my case was difficult because I was highly educated with big resume and an uphill battle. But it happened. Above and beyond Peter was. Caitlin, his aide was big, big help."